Throne Of Darkness Mods
Throne of Darkness Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, TipsThrone of Darkness Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. Browse by PC Games Title: Hints and Tips for:Throne of Darkness CheatsThrone of DarknessGametip:-This Cheat Was Submitted By: Jordan MannE-mail adress: mannt@iafrica.comWhen on main menu select multiplayer. Sselect the first clan (clan mori). Whenyou start choose these people in this order:ArcherNinjaSwordsmanWizardHints:-Submitted by: rickHHIn multiplayer you have to kill your opponents Daiymo.
Once you're in theirfortress you have to find a gate/door. Once in there you have to kill somemonsters and find the stair cases 4 times up. Once you find all of the staircases and go up the last one you will appear in your opponents shrine room.His Samurai that he isn't using will be there so watch out. It only takeslike 1 hit to kill his Daiymo so use an archer to shoot across the room oruse a Ninja's Lava Ring spell to hit everything since it fires in everydirection you'll most likey hit the Daiymo. Once you kill him the personyou killed won't be allowed back into mutilplayer for a couple of days.Now if you're being invaded, send the 3 Samurai's you're not using back tothe shrine room (do that by hitting 'd' on the keyboard and just keep yourbest guy). Do this so in case he gets by you your leader will have protection.Try to find his group and take those invading bastards down. I like to use awizard or a Ninja since they have spells that can take all there people down.A good spell for when your fighting alone is a homing missle spell likesparkball or blizzard that way you dont have to aim.
This is the 1.2.18 patch for Throne of Darkness. It includes fixes for multiplayer games where firewalls are used, problems with saving and quick loading, and more.
Or when your beinginvaded you could always just leave the game.Item duplication:-Save the game at any point. Hold Alt and press Tab to switch to theWindows Desktop. Go into 'My Computer/C:/Sierra'. Right click the the'Sierra' folder. Then go to 'Send To' and 'Compressed Folder'.
You shouldsee a folder appear that looks like a folder with a zipper. Hold Altand press Tab to switch back to the game. Throw down the item thatyou want to duplicate. Save the game again and go back out.
Go to your'Compressed Folder' and go into 'Characters'. Highlight everything inthis area then hold Ctrl and press C to copy those items. Go backinto the actual 'Sierra' folder, then go into 'Characters'. Hold Ctrland press V to paste those files. Switch back to the game. While holdingShift, press 5 to reload your earlier save.
Go into your inventory ifit is not already displayed. You should now have the item you threw onthe ground back in your inventory. However, the same item is also onthe ground.See all items:-Press Alt.Brick's quest: Bishomen Spear location:-The Bishomen Spear is a somewhat powerful weapon.
It only has 30 damage,but has 2 to 5 Element Damage of every element. To get the first pieceof the Bishomen Spear you must go through the Caverns Of The Ancients.Find the exit to the southeast slope.
You must use Benkei (fat characterwho is the best with polearm and spear class weapons) to obtain them.You must look for three rocks. Each is located on different parts of thesoutheast slope. Attack them, but be aware that every time you obtain apart a unique monster will try to defeat you and bring it back to Zanshin.The monster that most commonly appears is a Bach Yori (a member of theWolf Clan). The last one is always random. Brick can only use this weapon.Easy unique items:-When you see a Boss amongst the other guards it has, kill the guards thenaim your attacks on the Boss. Almost kill the Boss, leaving a small amountof life.
Save the game, then kill him. If he does not drop a unique (bluecolored) item, pressShift + 5 to reload your saved game, then kill himagain. Each Boss does carry a unique item, but only has a 1% or 2% chanceto drop it. Keep repeating this process until it happens.
It may be irritating,but most of the time the outcome is worth it. This trick is especially usefulwhen in the DarkWarlord's Property (blue line on the map). Once such item thatcan be obtained this way is an Imperial Harpoon with the following statistics:Confusion Imperial Harpoon Of The KumoDmg: 55-83Dur: 85/85Min Str: 165Min Dex: 120Min Lvl: 253 Magic Slots LeftIncreased Durability+40 To Strength+40 To Charisma35% Health Leech75% To KnockbackEarth Elemental Damage 28-84Lightning Elemental Damage 4-10Poison Elemental Damage 8-27Submit your codes! Having Codes, cheat, hints, tips, trainer or tricks we dont have yet?Help out other players on the PC by adding a cheat or secret that you know!SubmitVisit Cheatinfo for moreSpotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2020Cheatbook-Database 2020 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avidgamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Master of orion steam cheats.
Covering more than 25.300 Games, this database representsall genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. Release date january 5, 2020.
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