Bad Mojo For Killing An Owl Meme Funny
What's the best way to kill an owl? Should I just use a rifle, or will that contaminate the animal? Note: It is VERY IMPORTANT that the meat inside is not contaminated; I want the meat!!! I can tell from your question that you are trying to implement a bad idea and should not do it, what ever it is. Login to reply the answers Post.
This subject came up in another thread and because there is a lot of misinformation, I decided to post the following link.This is a form to apply for a permit to kill migratory birds if they are causing loss of personal property (livestock, poultry).Some common misconceptions:1. It is illegal to kill hawks and owls. If you have a permit it is legal.2. It is illegal to harass birds of prey. It is not illegal and ou must show that you have tried to harass birds before a permit would be issued.3. Hatoful boyfriend wiki.
You will go to jail and receive a $10,000 fine if you kill a hawk or owl. It is actually a Class B Misdeamenor and fines can be a small as $50 with no jail time. As authorized by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issues permits to qualified applicants for the following types of activities: falconry, raptor propagation, scientific collecting, special purposes (rehabilitation, educational, migratory game bird propagation, and salvage), take of depredating birds, taxidermy, and waterfowl sale and disposal. Migratory bird permit policy is developed by the Division of Migratory Bird Management and the permits themselves are issued by the Regional Bird Permit Offices.
The regulations governing migratory bird permits can be found in 50 CFR part 13 (General Permit Procedures) and 50 CFR part 21 (Migratory Bird Permits). Please provide the following information:1. List the species of migratory birds causing the depredation problem and estimate the number of each involved.2. Provide the exact location of the property or properties where the control activity would be conducted (State, county, and physicaladdress of the specific site).3. Description of damage.(a) Describe the specific migratory bird damage or injury you are experiencing.(b) How long has it been occurring (e.g., the number of years)?(c) What times or seasons of the year does it occur?(d) Describe any human health and safety hazards involved.(e) Provide details such as types of crops destroyed, human injuries sustained, property damage incurred, and health and safetyhazards created.4. Describe the extent of the damage and estimate the economic loss suffered as a result, such as percentage of acres of crop anddollar loss, cost to replace damaged property, or cost of injuries.5. Describe the nonlethal measures you have taken to control or eliminate the problem, including how long (e.g., a week, month,year(s)) and how often they have been conducted.
List the techniques you have tried, such as harassment (e.g., horns,pyrotechnics, propane cannons), habitat management (e.g., vegetative barriers, longer grass management, fencing), culturalpractices (e.g., crop selection and placement, management of pets and feeding schedules), or no feeding policies.6. Proposed actions.(a) What actions are you proposing to take to alleviate the problem (e.g., kill, eliminate nesting, trap and relocate)?(b) Describe the method you propose (e.g., shoot; addle, oil, destroy eggs; trap and relocate; trap and donate birds to a foodprocessing center).(c) If you propose to trap birds, describe the method that will be used and your (or your agents) experience with the method.7. What long-term measures do you plan to take to eliminate the problem?. I just shoot hawks who are on my property & harassing my chooks.For those of you in Canada, the rules are different.In the province of Ontario for instance.Enforcement of the MBCA (Migratory Birds Convention Act) in Ontario is handled jointly by the CWS(Canadian Wildlife Service), MNR(Ministry of Natural Resources) and RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police). The maximum penalties are: (1) for a corporation a $250,000 fine and (2) for an individual a $100,000 fine or imprisonment for five years or both.No one would ever get the maximum for a first offence anyways.The Criminal Code at the Federal level states.It is a criminal offence to wilfully and without lawful excuse kill, maim, wound, poison or injure a bird, or for anyone to cause or permit unnecessary pain, suffering or injury to a bird. Both wild and domestic birds are protected.
Enforcement of criminal offences related to birds is the responsibility of the police and humane societies. The penalty is a fine of not more than $2000 or to imprisonment for six months or both.However. And this is where it gets interesting:The FWCA ( Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act) allows the killing of birds, except birds protected by the MBCA and the ESA, in defence of property. For example, farmers do not need a permit to kill a hawk attacking their chickens.Again this applies for the Province of ONTARIO only.Here is a link to this info.
Quote:I have a full Adobe program that allows for it in a PDF form.We have a Red-tail that hangs out by my coop. So far he must not be very hungry. Must be plenty or rabbits and such for him to feed on as he doesn't stake out the chickens, and he MUST know they are there. Certainly killing him would be an ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT for me as I understand the fight for survival, etc.
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I just hope to keep some good roos and keep an eye on the sky when they are out free ranging. I reckon it will be but a matter of time before he makes an attempt when they are out. But possibly right now they just don't seem worth the bother of the dogs, etc. Deleted post copy taken outI know I am stepping right in it here but oh well. What a sad state of mind? If this was not done then our eco system would be even more screwed up than it is now. If we were to let 'Mother Earth' work as she wished well over half of us would not be here today.
I am not saying this would be a bad thing mind you-just fact. I have no problem killing ANYTHING that takes food from my family, or anyone for that matter. For anyone not of the same state of mind-you would be in that half that did not make it the 'Mother Earth' way I was refering to. Only the strongest/fittest and all that.Just my 2bitsTom.